
Bottega del Bongustaio,
since 1946 in  Assisi,
since 1996 in Internet

Alimentary specialties
of Umbrian tradition

& Hospitality in Assisi

               Firm inserted in the "Register Firms of the Historical Henterprises"                   

Wo we are

For three generations the Gambacorta family have run this delicatessen. The most typical regional produce is offered, fresh or preserved, cooked or aged, natural or refined but always wholesome as they are selected by the owner who has experience that stems from a long tradition. Customers come from afar to buy something which is rare and really special and wh as Gambacorta can vacuum package preserving the ordered products and can speedily forward them with a minimum of cost directly to the client's home.


Some photos of the Bottega del Bongustaio at the end of the years '50 in via San Gabriele, 21...

Nazzareno fondatore Bottega del Bongustaio

Nazzareno e, appesi, i suoi prosciutti

Geo e Nazzareno con Mario e Carlo della Galbani

Negozio anni '50, lato destro

Negozio anni '50, lato sinistro

...and from the years '70 in via San Gabriele, 17 inside the small square of the market of the herbs.

Piazzetta delle erbe, ingresso e vetrine della Bottega del BongustaioNazzareno, Alessio, Marco, GeoJolanda e CarlaMarco alle confezioni magazzino spedizioni

click on the photo to enlarge


They say of us

Since 1946: Gambacorta - Bottega del Bongustaio - via S. Gabriele, 17
06081 Assisi (PG) - Italia
tel. +39 075812454 - fax +39 075813186 -

